I received my writely.com login today. Writely is an online word processor. You can also collaborate online and export to MS-Word, pdf, OpenOffice, etc. It is still in beta and doesn’t support Safari. Not a problem I also use Firefox. Have a look — it is almost viable. I also mentioned Google Spreadsheets previously. These days you have many choices to create, and edit MS-Word documents online:
- WebOffice from Webex. Use to share applications. Online database.
- KDCalc. Generate enterprise application (Java or .NET) from Excel spreadsheets.
- JotSpot. Quickly develop wiki-based applications including web-based spreadsheets.
- Thinkfree. Thinkfree lets you create, access, and edit Microsoft Word, Excel or Powerpoint documents within a Browser. Cool!
Let me know if I missed one!I will test drive some of these over the next couple of months and then report back.
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