Are we losing the World Wide Web (www)?

Posted by on Dec 7, 2007 in Blogging, Technology

Well, not really…I recently started to see that many blog URLS omit the www. prefix, e.g., using only instead of “”, or “” instead of

no-www logo

Read all about the deprecation (I had to look up the word) of “www.”. The site seems to be the definitive source. It’s a quick read and I decided to cite the main idea: philosophy strives to make the Internet and communications about it as fruitful as possible. To that end, we make the modest proposal that website makers configure their main sites to be accessible by as well as

Wikipedia has a no-www entry that’s a bit more technical. This Dailyblogtips post is well written and understandable. I quote some of the article here:

The problem arises because Google and other search engines view the two versions as two distinct sites, even if they have the exact same content (technically, in fact, the “www” denotes a subdomain that could point to different content).Search engine ranking is based, among other things, on the number of incoming links to your site. If you keep the two versions available some people will link to “” while other people will link to the “”, basically splitting your backlink count.

Dialyblogtips also posts on how to tell Google your preferred domain. If you have a WordPress blog then you can use this no-www plugin from Mr WP himself (read the comments).Finally, you can test your own site’s no-wwwness here…is it a class A, B or C. Be careful your site may end up on the “Wall of Shame”.Ok folks, this is a test. In the comments explain in 2 sentences what all this means. Go!

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